...a very good question. One, in fact, that we're still working on.
However, at least Kyla - seeing as how she's leaving first - has narrowed her list of necessities.
This is what she has so far:
What everything is going into: Kelty Coyote Kelly-Green 75 litre Backpack
My Travel Wardrobe:
...some assorted tanks and tops that can all are super lightweight,
somewhat neutral colors, and easily-layer-able!
...my favorite clothing items: cardigan sweaters! Again, easy to layer, nice for any cold nights, and adds variety! Also, I'm bringing this belted, black windbreaker in case of a spring shower or chilly day.
...just some moisture-wicking leggings (for the heat!)
and a pair of jeans that I can dress up or down.
Three pairs of shoes: grey Toms, super-comfy walking sandals,
and a pair of simple black flats for nights out!
Accessories!!! ...a couple of scarves (for any chill winds, quick cover-up for entering churches where one's shoulders must be covered, and just as another layer of texture/color!), versatile necklace for some added glam, classic straw fedora for the sun, simple leather belt, sunglasses, and a pop-of-color purse!
Techie Gear:
My camera - Nikon Coolpix s9100...for capturing all the magical moments!
My wee netbook for quick internet searches, email, facebook, BLOGGING!, skyping, etc.
iPod...for the long plane and train rides
or when I simply need a background of "Bella Notte" playing as I eat my spaghetti...
Adapter plugs!
Everything Else:
Toiletries: a.k.a. - A variety of magical tools, potions, and lotions that help make me beautiful!
Journal: to record any sketches or musings
Language Phrase Books: ...just in case my smiles or fake tears can't help me out of a confusing situation.
Money & Passport: because without these, I'll be hitching my way back to the States...
So there it is!! My soon-to-be, home away from home this summer.
*hugs backpack* ...let's get cozy. ;D
oh my dear : ] So fabulous!!