Thursday, May 17, 2012

The way I (Tibby) see it, there are 4 phases of this grand adventure that Kyla and I are embarking on.

Phase 1 – Get Kyla to Europe
Phase 2 – Get Tibby to Europe
Phase 3 – Travel, learn, observe, absorb, take-in, and experience southern Europe
Phase 4 – Get both of us back to the States

This trip has been in the works for over a year now. Research has been done, plans have been made, plane tickets have been booked, backpacks have been purchased, and pennies have been pinched in eager anticipation for this junket. And now, I am simply about to burst out of my skin because phase 1 is FINALLY underway...Kyla is on a plane, right this minute, to Europe. Wow wow wow.

Ya know, I've had a blessed handful of “this is all surreal” moments in my life, and this is one of them. Even though I'm not the one currently 35,000 feet above the earth (even though it may feel like it), it is still hard to grasp that this is really happening. That Kyla really is on that plane and that Phase 1 is in motion.

1 comment:

  1. WWWWOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! ...wish you were here with me <3
