Friday, June 15, 2012

T-Minus 2 weeks!

I am shakin' in my boots! I am shakin' in my boots!

I (Tibby) depart for Rome only two weeks from today!!! It feels SO close, yet still SO far away.

This is definitely the point where I begin to get weary of planning and researching and organizing and shopping. This is the point where I just wanna throw up my hands and say, “Screw it! Let's just get on that plane tomorrow!”... But alas, that is not how these things work. The reality is that not all of the preparations are complete. There is still work to be done on my end of things before I can get on that plane. Ugh.

However, on the somewhat funny side, this is also the point where I begin to get SO excited for the upcoming trip, that I literally give myself stomach aches. Yup, that's right, stomach aches. It's like my body can't handle the amount of sheer joy that I have, that it turns it into annoying pain. How nice of it, huh?
Have you ever seen the classic Disney commercial? You know the one; where the family is just too excited to sleep before they head to Disney World the next day? (Watch it here if you have no idea what I'm talking about: ). But basically, that's exactly how I feel. Too excited to sleep. Every. Single. Night.
Guess that means that these final two weeks will be spent wide awake with an everlasting stomach ache... Oh well. At least I'll be full of anticipation and joy!

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